I haven’t been much of a blogger lately. Sorry about that. I’ve been engrossed in the completion of my book.
I have just seen it for the first time in months, having received it back from the publisher for my final review. I had nine days with it, looking over what the editors have been doing, and I’m very happy with it—very. While reading it over there were several times I said something like, “Oh, yeah! I’m so glad I wrote that…I forgot I had.”
Anyway, I’ve sent it back for their final edit, and there’s only one thing left for me to do—write an introduction. While it won’t be lengthy, it still feels as though I’ve got to come up with a whole new chapter, something original, something I haven’t written already. I’m trying not to make it too big a deal.
The editor has given me a big “thumbs up,” and the publisher hopes to have it available in a month. Their designer is putting together some jacket ideas, the last thing needed before print.
Yes, I am anxious to see it! I would appreciate your prayers…
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