Sunday, October 24, 2010

Remain In His Love

When someone discovers the love God has for them, and when that same person makes remaining in the knowledge of His love the goal of his days, he will be more enamored with Jesus, experience greater freedom from sin, and be more passionate about reaching and loving people than anyone clinging to life based upon rules and strategies and obedience, no matter how Christian he may look. The “look” will fail because it is inauthentic, but life from God never will.

Remain in His love.


  1. Merrill Thompson3:43 PM

    Love this very much.

  2. Craig Snyder3:45 PM

    As someone once said, spot on Ralph.

  3. Nancy Mercedes Peralta-Reed Smith3:45 PM

    Well said!

  4. Mike Daniel3:45 PM

    Bam! Phil 3:10-14

  5. Carol Woods3:46 PM

    So True!

  6. Mari Norton Jackson3:46 PM

    The world and the enemy love to take our focus off of that, don't they?
