Tuesday, July 05, 2011

Hand Of Love

If I’m going to help people be as free from fear and reprisal as Christ Jesus made them to be, then I’m going to have to let them love me in the way they can, not in the way I want them to. Otherwise I live and labor toward the appearance of love, and that always disappoints.


  1. Stephanie Park Mendrala10:42 AM

    Oh man Ralph, this is right on the money!!! Thank you for posting that!

  2. Lori Simmonsrose10:51 AM

    I agree Stephanie I agree, Amen!

  3. Mary Villanueva10:56 AM

    Thanks, Ralph!

  4. Jackie Hyatt Lacy10:56 AM


  5. Don Keathley11:06 AM

    As people of grace we need to have that as our motto or perhaps mission statement. Outstanding post, thank you...

  6. Bart Breen11:41 AM

    That's one of the greatest thiings missing when I look back on my years of formal ministry. I didn't understand that and further, the nature of most of "my ministry" (key pronoun there ...) couldn't accept people for where they were and more importantly, my role and the expectations attached couldn't risk dropping the mask to where a real relationship could be established. People needed me to conform to the role expected and the role demanded perfection or near it in so many areas that the only way to maintain the illusion was to maintain distance.

  7. J.r. McDaniel12:45 PM

    Yeah! Thanks, Ralph!

  8. Thanks for your comments, everyone.

    @ Bart--The roles and expectations we bring to each other is enormously confusing. My safety comes in knowing and actively trusting Jesus when I'm with people. I talk with and at Him a lot when I'm with others. He persuades me that I'm secure and I'm less likely to run out into the arenas around me to find my identity. More and more do I want to keep Him as my treasure, rather than to look for it elsewhere. But it ain't easy.

  9. Deborah Schultz Williamson1:05 PM

    Wow! Rightly said

  10. Mike Quarles1:18 PM

    Thanks Ralph for telling it like it is. Keep on speaking the truth in Jesus.

  11. Donna Tremblay1:37 PM

    Very insightful.

  12. Sue Humphreys Thompson4:02 PM

    So . . . expound. What does that mean, "let them love me in the way they can"?

  13. Jackie Hyatt Lacy4:04 PM

    Reposted this, I hope you don't mind! Awesome truth Ralph!!

  14. Bob Perdue4:04 PM

    I really wanted to push "like" but I wouldn't be honest. There should be an "i agree" button because I do agree but I really want people to love me the way I want them to love me... another thing to surrender :)

  15. Dave Geisler4:04 PM

    Wow, thats good....you should write a book or something

  16. Julie Belshe4:05 PM

    So very true! Need to share this one.

  17. Laura Williams6:17 PM

    The day came when God impressed me to remove from my FB description everything I "did" or the particular gifts which I thought defined me. Now I teach or do art or write or lead from a new perspective of US, a union team with me listening to Him happily guide into either less or more - it doesn't matter now... only Jesus as my love, my everything, my beginning and end... hard to explain because this relationship is still deepening in a lovely organic way!

  18. Wow, that's wonderfully said, Laura. I love what you've described and value and delight in that relationship more than anything else. Thank you.

  19. Nicole Phillips12:35 PM

    Ralph I can strongly identify with you on that strong desire to actively trust Jesus when around people. Because it can be so easy to be swayed about how you feel about yourself, according to what others think or judge. Not to say that's exactly how you feel. But I'm finding that I want to be conscious of Jesus at all times. To be secure and satisfied with his love. It does seem that those moments when my eyes are fixed on him. That what others think about me or say just falls the side. But it's a struggle to not be distracted with just everyday life. It's like I want to enjoy my union with him. But I do not want to make it a work to consciously think about him all the time. Gosh, hope that makes sense.

  20. I sure get what you're saying, Nicole. The simpler the better for me. I consciously turn my thoughts toward Him, or say "any old thing" at Him, or just listen for His thoughts. And I find He interrupts me too. But, like you, it's not always easy. And that's okay.
