Friday, December 16, 2011

Into Grace

It is unbiblical for us to believe that after we fail we have “fallen away from grace.” In fact, it is accurate to believe that we have fallen INTO grace—even super-abundant grace. That’s when the reign of grace is most evident in life. (Romans 5:20-21)



  1. Gloria Torres9:21 AM

    Amen, brother! Preach it :))

  2. Roxann Bass9:47 AM

    Yes... it was my "begining!"

  3. Pat Hux9:52 AM

    It really means to leave the benefits of grace and return to the ministry law...... For too long we have been told that falling from grace equals losing salvation. It doesn't mean that. If just means we become, of all people, most miserable bc the law brings only demands and sorrow.

  4. Pam Burrell Kilpatrick9:53 AM

    It is in the midst of our weaknesses that His Power and Grace are most evidently portrayed! LOVE THIS Ralph!

  5. Great comments, Pat and Pam. I'm so glad you know about Him!

  6. Kelly Atkinson Stull11:43 AM

    AMEN!!!! Have you ever thought about writing a book? HeHe!!!

  7. No way! It would be too difficult! ;)

  8. Gloria Torres11:44 AM

    I bet you could. Have you read Chuck Swindoll's "Grace awakening"? It's excellent on the subject.

  9. Debbie Rector11:44 AM

    The one time I can rejoice, I've fallen and I can't get up!!!! Yay!

  10. Lorin Bice11:45 AM

    You mean, what got me in can keep me in!

  11. Gloria--I have written a book! "God's Astounding Opinion of You" (Understanding Your Identity Will Change Your Life). It was published in March by Harvest House. Check the right column. . .:) And, yes, I read Swindoll's book some years ago. I liked it.

    Debbie--I like that!


  12. Sharon Fryer11:46 AM

    Amen! I love this Ralph. I too have been disturbed with the "falling from Grace" message...Everytime I hear it or see it commented, I SAY, NO! And even if there is sin in or attacking a believer, GRACE ABOUNDS MORE!!! This is what your sayin, right Ralph?

  13. Tom NeSmith11:47 AM

    Grace makes the concept of failure irrelevant.

  14. Pat Hux11:47 AM

    Amen! even those, who Paul said would be fallen from grace, are still concluded in grace. The just don't know it as daily experience.

  15. Debbie Street Childers11:48 AM

    Ooh - I love that!!! We fall INTO grace!

  16. George Nix11:49 AM

    Wow! Amen.

  17. Jennifer Saunders-Lefaver11:51 AM

    Love that, I second that Hooray!!!

  18. Cliff Gableman11:52 AM

    Kinda like saying, my wife and I are getting divorced just because we had a fight. Pretty crazy!!

  19. Elsabè Pienaar11:52 AM

    Amen Ralph!

  20. Byron Mill11:53 AM

    As Jesus is so are we in this world, it's forever, and It has nothing to do with performance. It's got everything to do with Jesus who he is and what he has, knowing who we are and what we have in Him will make us stable and we we won't frustrate the grace of God by trying to obtain it. Rather we will be resting and enjoying the things freely given to us in Christ.
    Righteousness, peace joy in the holy Ghost. Unending union with abba and Jesus. In ending eternal sonship and joint heirship with Jesus!

  21. Belinda Potgieter3:46 PM

    Where sin abounds...grace abounds in much greater measure..Whooohooo!!!

  22. Chris Herrington3:48 PM

    All it takes to be fallen from grace is to pick up one law and use it to judge anyone, including ourselves. This is why self-talk is so very important...shaming ourselves in our weakness, we fall from grace....God is great, not as we are great, but God is great in that his greatness uplifts us even in our weakness. Even our weakest moment is not too tough for him to handle. He is not a sunshine friend, but rather is there in our darkest hour that it might be his finest. That is just how incredible God truly is!!!!!
