Wednesday, August 29, 2012

It Is Finished

“It is finished” didn’t mean ‘until you sin some more, and then you’ve got to re-start the heavy burden, accountability and repentant lifestyle all over again to make sure everything is cool between you and me.’ Right? It meant that after THIS, you’re going to live out of what I’ve done and given to you, because there’s nothing MORE. Okay? You’ve got it all, and it’s all really good!

And I’m giving you the Spirit—He’s really good with of all this—to remind you and convince you that I meant what I said. That’s THE PLAN. So say it with me: “It is finished!” How about in spit-filled German: “Es ist vollbracht!” In Spanish: “¡Consumado es!” In Greek: “Tetelestai!” In French: “Il est terminé!” In Croatian: “Svršeno je!” In Swedish: “Det är fullbordat!” And in Afrikaans: “Dit is volbring!”

This has been good, and I think we’re done for today. I love you. See you tomorrow. (Check out John 19:30 for more. Just sayin'.)


  1. Alejandro Grace Ararat4:06 PM

    I live and rest out of/from what my ABBA has done in Jesus The Christ for/UNTO me, as me, amen

  2. Jeremy White4:07 PM

    Pure awesomeness... :)

  3. Donna LadyGrace Crowley4:10 PM

    So refreshing....thank you Ralph. I am so glad I can now see my life hidden in Him and he finished the good work.

  4. Dottie Ryan4:13 PM

    Thank you Lord that you are the one who sanctifies me...

  5. Robbin King4:18 PM

    Ralph this was perfect timing...I just posted on my blog for the first time in over a nickname is butterfly girl and I am just truly embracing freedom. Thank you so much for this.

  6. Anonymous4:51 AM

    Hi, I hope you don't mind, I put the above article on my Facebook page. Thank you, Masada Man
