Wednesday, September 05, 2012

Looking At Jesus' Home

We have been given life from God.  That life does not show up after we say to Him, “I’m so sorry” + “I’ve learned my lesson” + “I won’t do it again.”  That’s a nifty formula, but it is sin producing, rules-based legalism, not righteousness producing, grace-based Christianity.  We don’t live by a proper confession, a good attitude and a promised commitment.  Have you forgotten that’s not Christianity?

We live because, in Christ, we’ve been given new life and a new way of living—Jesus Himself.  He is God’s life in you and in me.  Peel away all that appears to be me, and you will see Him at home, happy and successful.  For all who have received Jesus, the same is true.  Right?  That’s where I’m looking today.  And that’s life.

To them God has chosen to make known among the Gentiles the glorious riches of this mystery, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory. (Colossians 1:27)


  1. Sometimes I do not understand what you are saying. I don't follow how apologizing for bad behaviour in a way that makes the other person feel honoured is Legalism. I apologize in that way because I want the other person to know that I know I hurt them and that I will work very hard to not do it again.

  2. Ah! Thanks for helping me to clarify what I've written, Connie.

    I meant (and have slightly changed the post) that we don't have to say any of those three things to God. I wasn't talking about speaking to people. As you've noted, apologizing for bad behavior to people we have offended is a good idea!

    But the three part combination - confession + attitude + commitment - is not something that "works" in our relationship with God. It is a rules-based pledge of behavioral success (legalism), one we will never keep, as all of history shows. Further, trying to live by rule-keeping stimulates sin; it is its very power. (See 1 Corinthians 15:56 and Romans 7.)

    "Jesus in us" was God's intent for the New Covenant. We look to Him to live in us and through us. That's what the fruit or the production of the Spirit is--Christ formed in us and Christ produced through us.

    I hope this helps, Connie. Thanks for helping me to communicate better. I'm not always the best.
