Friday, March 21, 2008

"No!" To The Pervert

“Whether yellow, black or white, they are precious in His sight.”

Whenever ugly prejudice strikes at a particular group, whether it’s a group of color or gender or nationality, etc., we don’t want to be a part of that. Some of us will come to the defense of those persecuted, others will not. If, in fact, we now live by the Spirit, then His leading is what determines our involvement. Right?

“If we live by the Spirit, let us stay in step with the Spirit.” (Gal 5:25) Rather important advice, don’t you think?

Our need to see clearly—by the Spirit—is vital. Otherwise, when the flesh contributes its’ worldly suggestions, we’ll take the bait and go forward without the grace of God. My experience shows that if I start off by the flesh, it ain’t gonna be pretty.

And really, that’s the point of all this. Having been made the magnificent new creations of God, we no longer live as we once did. We no longer battle or argue or strategize as we once did. To do so would be perverted.

To be certain, the god of this world thoroughly enjoys twisting and perverting the sons and daughters of God. While he cannot change them from what they have become, he can hide what they are by perverting how they live. I think that’s his goal, don’t you?

On this day when many of us celebrate the long-planned death of our Savior, remember that you were included in His crucifixion. That means you’ll never suffer the recompense of your sins because, in Christ, you already did. Further, you were included in His resurrection, which means that you came forth holy, blameless and righteous—all new! Hooray! With that in view, your approach to people will be entirely new, as well.

Live by faith in what God has done in and through Jesus—and say “No” to the pervert.


  1. Anonymous8:48 PM

    Thank you! Thank you! For this follow-up. Great word.

  2. And thank you back.

