Saturday, July 14, 2012

Comes A Time

Looking over the shoulder of my life, this is sound advice. You can't always figure it out quickly, and that's probably okay.  But there comes a time.

It is very difficult to resist the template thinking that more words will always equal understanding. Sometimes more talk does grant insight and peace and love with people. But they are those for whom love is highest priority—they love already and want to love again. I have found, however, that for those who want to make a name for themselves, who have a kingdom to build as highest priority, words are useful to gain position, not love. Lust for power has made love a hostage.


  1. Robbin King4:38 PM

    Yes yes yes I want to scream this from the roof tops....amen amen

  2. Lisa George Miller4:39 PM

    You would not believe how timely this is brother Ralph!♥♥

  3. Kathleen Sullivan4:39 PM

    Wow! Same sentiment as Lisa. Timely advice.

  4. Lori Toskin West4:39 PM

    never be afraid to wish them well and move on....

  5. Debbie Sweet-Wells4:40 PM

    Again......BIG EXHALE Ralph......thank you for often *saying what I mean* :)
    I have to tell you...the Lord uses you....more than help me off hooks I have managed to put myself on......thank you for your faithfulness to Him! I am better for knowing you!

  6. Carla Hamoen4:41 PM

    Thank yiou so much Ralph!

  7. Henry Willis V4:42 PM

    Quote: "I have found, however, that for those who want to make a name for themselves, who have a kingdom to build as highest priority, words are useful to gain position, not love."

    this describes most politicians almost perfectly! imagine if they could exchange their lust for love.

  8. Chris Kimmell4:44 PM

    That my dear friend, is timely wisdom

  9. Connie Corine Fogo Blankenship5:07 PM

    "I have found, however, that for those who want to make a name for themselves, who have a kingdom to build as highest priority, words are useful to gain position, not love. Lust for power has made love a hostage." Are you talking about Christians? Arabs? or Jews?

  10. Thanks very much for your comments everyone.

    Connie, I'm talking about anyone and everyone. Lust for position ruins love and stuffs it in a corner of the heart for anyone who prefers it over love. When God, who identifies Himself AS love, offers Himself to them, at best they wonder how or if God will be useful to their pursuit of power. Fortunately, He is, nevertheless, unrelenting! I hope this helps.

  11. Sue Humphreys Thompson9:24 AM

    I've just made a decision to unhook from a board where, at each meeting, every word I say is taken as though I've said something inappropriate and negative. I don't think I'm speaking that way . . . but I spend a lot of time explaining what I meant and why I said things. I just sent a card to the president expressing my friendship and will be telling her later this week I'm out. Too much drama, not worth the effort, and not only do they not get me (am I that difficult to read?), they don't want to get me. Smile, love, and move on.

  12. Bethel Rose8:54 PM

    Good timely advise, Ralph. There are people who have a need to NOT understand. It gets in the way of there own agenda. Sooooo I'll stop! It's not necessary because I know God understands.

  13. Marmee Janet7:11 PM

    It is very difficult to resist the template thinking that more words will always equal understanding. ...Especially when I carry the burden/feeling of obligation for making all my relationships 'good' ones. Under Grace, that is lifted and I am free to speak or be silent. What liberty! Thank you for posting this, Ralph.
