Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Moving Slowly

Sorry for the rarity of posts lately.

With the publication of my book, I've had to learn a lot about the new things that means--like visiting book stores and shipping--SHIPPING! My goodness, that's a whole new world.

I have books going to Australia and Chile and Croatia, for example, and man, is that expensive!

But I'm happy to meet the requests, and my book is doing very well. The owners of the local Christian bookstore (The Lord's Walk) absolutely love it and have put it on their main counter next to the cash register--the position of prominence. And they're planning an event at which I will be speaking and signing books, etc. They're truly wonderful people, and it has been terrific getting to know them.

I am also speaking for several days to a leadership group at a nearby YWAM base. You can easily imagine what my topic is..."Putting AMAZING Back Into Grace."

It's all pretty exciting.

Anyway, I'll be back at more consistent blogging by the end of this week.

Would you pray for me?

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