Friday, September 28, 2007

Lovin' Georgia

Sorry for the paucity of posts, but I'm on the busy-as-can-be speaking
trail in Georgia.

What wonderful people. True, they sound funny. But I'm correcting their English and grammar as I go. Actually, no I'm not. I love to hear them, and they come up with some beauties that make me marvel. Just every day speech to them, but I marvel.

"Whaaaaaaaayle, dang if ah know, Raa-elph. Ah luv whatcher sayin' n-all, buh-could-jew sayyit agiyin? You know--differnt?"

I've spoken a bunch of times thus far, will speak several more times to small groups, home churches and big churches, so would you pray for me and my family? Separation anxiety is no fun...and this isn't all fun and games--it's far more serious than that.

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