Friday, November 11, 2011


It’s not so much about trusting God with my life given to Him; it’s about trusting God with His life given to me. After all, Jesus didn’t accept my life when I gave it to Him, I accepted His. Kindly and graciously, He crucified my life and gave me another—His. I’m learning to trust Him in me.

What a wonder that is.


  1. And, fortunately for us, even our trust is His to nurture and produce. Hooray!

  2. Bethel Collie6:38 PM

    A wonder in deed!!

  3. Charlie Pendergrass6:39 PM

    Hope of Glory. Happy weekend to you Ralph.

  4. MaryAnn Pacheco6:39 PM

    So beautiful :)

  5. Jackie Hyatt Lacy6:40 PM

    A wonder indeed! Thanks for the inspiration Ralph!

  6. Lynn Youngblood6:40 PM

    Me too. Learning to trust His life in me, but I'm in the remedial class. So slow learing to quit striving and let him live.

  7. Rudi Taylor6:47 PM

    How is our trust His to nurture and produce when scripture tells us to trust?

  8. As with Titus 2:10-14, hearing, reading, reflecting, singing about the grace of God teaches us, not in the sense of logical choice or rational decision alone, but it even produces in us the fruit of the Spirit. . .one of which is faithfulness. One cannot help but trust God as He works inside. . .And that's the essence of Christianity.

  9. Lynn Youngblood7:50 PM

    It's not wise to trust someone who isn't trustworthy, so some of that nurturing and producing that needs to happen in us is God healing our hearts and showing us He is loving, kind and trustworthy. When people are having a hard time trusting God a lot of times they need to focus on God's love, and let him settle their heart. But many times, sadly even in grace circles, people are pushed to surrender and shamingly told they aren't broken when it's healing, nurturing and love they need.

  10. Rudi Taylor7:50 PM

    way over my head

  11. Hey, Rudi! At the risk of sounding like an advertisement(!), may I send you a free copy of my book, "God's Astounding Opinion of You"? It surely doesn't have all the answers, but it's what I have. Or I could send you one of Andrew Farley's books or one from Steve McVey or Wayne Jacobsen. . .the list goes on. Message me if you'd like that. For more book recommendations, you can go to and click on Recommends. A book isn't everything, but it puts something in your hand from which you can pound me with questions. . .;)

  12. John P. Cwynar7:51 PM

    Beautiful... thanks Ralph!

  13. Sharon Stiles7:52 PM

    i love it Ralph!

  14. George Lisa Miller7:52 PM

    What a wonder....Thank you Lord..:-)

  15. Tere Xplorer12:26 PM

    So true and its a wonderful truth.. :) great

  16. Charlie Finocchiaro12:27 PM

    Very well said Ralph. That perspective should be helpful to all.

  17. Wanda Lee12:44 PM

    Thanks for the reminder! Makes for an exciting day!

  18. Brian Alexander12:45 PM

    Love it and for so long we have struggled to get out of something whereas it Has been Christ that actually has come to substitute your life. He has given us completely NEW and that NEW is HIM

  19. Raymond Minnie1:19 PM

    That good you gave your life to him but he still has a lot of work to do in all of as

  20. Perhaps. But the work He is doing is not to make us better people or even better Christians. He has already made us perfect by including us in His crucifixion and resurrection, and by making us new creations who share in His nature. We are in Christ, holy, blameless and secure, and are right now seated with Him in the heavens. We won't get any better than we are.

    Now He is convincing us to believe and to trust Him, which is the most normal thing for us. From that trust does the Spirit produce fruit in and through us.
