Tuesday, January 10, 2012

What If?

What if God's every approach toward you is not concerning sin but love, and His desire to express Himself to you? What then?


  1. Maria Guastafeste Sapio9:22 PM

    ‎...To you...and In You...!!
    Right On Brother...!! Perfect...!!

  2. Sheila Vertoli9:23 PM

    Then.. We will walk in not only what are free from but what we are free to do. Free to love, free to dream, free to enjoy life and see good days.

  3. Dale Dunnewold9:24 PM

    I'd like to hang out with someone like that!

  4. Charlie Pendergrass9:24 PM

    Ralph, I've always said I don't deal in IF's, I might make exception on this. Although it's not really an if now is it.

  5. And it means we are entirely safe with God at every moment, who is the Grand Lover and Giver of Life. He has taken to Himself every reason we might have for fear or shame around Him, which makes us now His evidence of grace and freedom.

  6. Sheila Vertoli9:26 PM

    Yes, eternal intimacy with Him.

  7. Charlie Pendergrass9:26 PM

    Call me to the witness stand and mark me exhibit One. Love it Ralph, "His evidence of grace and freedom."

  8. Imagine the clamor when the judge asks for volunteers for the witness stand of God's grace! "Choose me! Choose me! I'm no better than anyone else, but choose me! It would be my joy!"

  9. Many of us know what John wrote: "We proclaim to you what we have seen and heard, so that you also may have fellowship with us. And our fellowship is with the Father and with his Son, Jesus Christ. 4 We write this to make OUR joy complete. 5 This is the message we have heard from him and declare to you: God is light; in him there is no darkness at all" (1 John 1:3-5). And we are now in Him--sons of the light. There is no darkness in us, and we can hardly be kept from expressing our delight which, like John, makes our joy complete.

  10. Patrick J. Maloney9:27 PM

    I know that constant LOVE of God, and do my best to share that love with others. We are truly God's ambassadors ... to bring Love, Life, Hope, Comfort, Peace ... etc ... and I do my best to do that every day of my life. I was once "accused" of "never having a bad day in the past 6-months" (while working at Trader Joe's, San Luis Obispo, CA), by a co-worker. I said, "I am a Christian." He said, "I thought so!" ... and our conversation went on from there. I was so thankful that God's love, joy, peace ... was embedded in my life so completely, that a co-worker (who had some "anger" issues himself) saw that "Jesus in me"! I hope and pray that continues until the day that I go to meet my Maker face-to-face.

  11. André van der Merwe9:27 PM

    He is FOR us, not against us!!

  12. Lion Heart9:28 PM

    Methinks at this point that if God has taken care of our sin through Christ, we no longer need to focus on it. That said, I'm at a point now where I realize how much of my "conquering my sin" was really behavior modification before. Now I'm faced with the fact that I'm yet near where I hope to be in truly knowing and being close to God. My attitude and behavior still shows "very incomplete in sanctification."

  13. Dave Gale9:28 PM

    I like that thought. Thanks, Ralph, you made my day

  14. Julie Belshe10:03 AM

    All that guilt, shame, and feeling not good enough fall away, and your FREE! Just Free to be Loved and accepted unconditionally by His Amazing Love, He is AWESOME!
