Tuesday, April 10, 2007

A Match Made In Heaven?

I occasionally drift by a humorous web site, Larknews.com. To me it's a bit like a magazine I really enjoyed many years ago, Mad Magazine. Anyone remember the gap-toothed, Alfred E. Newman?

Anyway, here's a recent posting from their site. (If you'd like to visit, click here.)

Southern Baptists, Republican Party merge

WASHINGTON — The Southern Baptist Convention and the Republican National Convention have decided to merge, citing similar constituencies.

"There's so much overlap, it just makes sense," says Marc Racicot, chair of the RNC.

The merger — the largest by any religious or political body in U.S. history — gives birth to the newly-named Southern Baptist Republican National Convention, or SBRNC, a major new force in politics and doctrine.

The former church denomination will move its headquarters to Washington, D.C. in April. The Republican Party will share decision-making power on church issues and points of theology, and the denomination will have a strong say in the party's agenda.
Baptist leaders are pleased.

"We share almost the same membership, ideas and core values," says Bruce Danzinger who is overseeing the transition for the Southern Baptists. "Now we'll share space, fax machines, mailing lists. In general, we Baptists will cover Kingdom stuff, and the Republicans'll handle Caesar's side of things, but there'll certainly be cross-over."

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