Friday, June 03, 2011

A Cup Of Tea

If He refused to condemn you because your works were rotten, He certainly isn’t going to flunk you because your faith isn’t so hot. You can fail utterly, therefore, and still live the life of grace. You can fold up spiritually, morally, or intellectually and still be safe. Because at the very worst, all you can be is dead — and for him who is the Resurrection and the Life, that just makes you his cup of tea.

– Robert Capon


  1. Sharon Fryer11:46 AM

    O YA!!! Grace MUCH MORE ABOUNDS!!!!

  2. Martin Tusubira11:46 AM

    For he is our mediator.

  3. Donna-Marie Rothnie12:10 PM

    That's an awesome quote. Love it!
