Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Why Can't I Shake My Sins?

Here’s a short, interesting article that I think has a very productive angle about persistent sin. While it may not have a step-by-step method, it takes the focus off the act and puts it upon God, who may be doing something bigger, something through the persistent sin.

Frankly, I’m delighted to read an article in which the author doesn’t simply trot out the usual response to our struggle with persistent sin. The usual, “Here are 5 steps to knock it off,” approach frustrates me and, I believe, usually leads the church into still more sin.

Further, those who fail to employ the steps or who speak against them as ineffective, usually become branded with a sort of, “Stay away from this guy” mark. Frustrated and trapped, the branded ones fade out of view.

So I’m glad for this article and the author who took the risk of writing it. I suspect that in his circle there will be flak directed his way.

Concerning Christians, I have dealt at length with the nature and avenue of sin, as well as how to live by faith in Christ so that the Spirit may produce His victory over sin in us in chapters 5, 7 and 8 of my book, Better Off Than You Think.

Click on the link at the end of this snippet to read the article, and then come back here to make a comment or two.

Why Can't I Shake My Sins?
A surprising answer to a stubborn problem.
by Kevin A. Miller

A man came to see me. It was the beginning of Lent, the original "40 Days of Purposeful Repentance."
"Pastor," he said, "I want to confess my sins." And in tears, he spoke honestly and openly about the sin in his life—nothing illegal, most known only to him, yet serious, and he wanted to turn away from it. We talked and prayed together, and he left.
Forty days later, he came back.
"How are you doing?" I asked.
"I haven't made much progress," he admitted, his eyes unable to meet mine.
In his agony was a question I've often asked: "Why does sin so stubbornly remain in our lives?" He and I both want to change more than we have and more than we do.

(To read the rest of this article, click here.)

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